TopSound 2024

TopSound emerges as the evolution of the Euro Indie Music Chart, the European indie ranking created by the European Indie Music Network. It distinguishes itself with a unique approach, forming a "league of nations" involving the best artists from each represented country. The classification process occurs weekly, assigning scores based on artists' positions in the Euro Indie Music Chart. The scoring system awards 12 points to the first country, 10 to the second, 8 to the third, 7 to the forth and so on. Artists represent their countries, contributing to a national ranking, fostering a sense of competition and national pride. The chart is compiled based on artists' results in European Indie Music Network-affiliated radio broadcasts and audience preferences. Public participation is encouraged through online voting for favorite songs, with a technical multiplier assigned by the staff impacting the rankings. In case of a tie, the nation with the best placement is awarded. If the best placements are equal, the number of times placed is taken into account. In case of further tie, the one who achieved the placement first counts.