🇦🇴 Snug Boy – Love Matters


Love Matters

by Snug Boy, Nurio, Djoseph, Gari, Aisia, White, CDB, Mdeponde & Sheezy

A few Months ago I gathered an amazing group of talented artists and together we made a beautiful song called Love Matters. And yes love does matter because is all we need to make this world a beautiful place. The reason behind the project is to promote love and unity. With so much negative things happening in the world today is time to make a positive change.. And love is the Answer!!

2019 Euro Indie Music Chart

Rank Stage Coeff. Points
82 Week 3.19 160 0
59 Week 4.19 316 0
58 Week 5.19 406.4 0
61 Week 6.19 389.8 0
43 Week 7.19 506.2 0
43 Week 8.19 510.6 0
36 Week 10.19 486 0
43 Week 9.19 488 0
40 Week 11.19 490.6 0
37 Week 12.19 490.6 0
26 Week 13.19 528.8 0
24 Week 14.19 533 0
31 Week 15.19 523.8 0
11 Week 16.19 666.2 0
7 Week 17.19 805.8 6
8 Week 18.19 702.2 4
19 Week 19.19 615.4 0
38 Week 20.19 395 0
75 Week 21.19 222.4 0
100 Week 22.19 107.2 0