Jade C takes us among the stars with “Sirio”.

“Sirio” is Jade C’s new single, the artistic name of the Palermo rapper Giada Calabrese, a teenager from the class of 2003 who is already completely focused on American-style R&B. Third single produced after those of 2020 and 2021.
A voice that strikes for the fullness of the harmonics and above all for a flow shot to a mille but always perfectly controlled.
Sirio is the name of the most luminous star in the sky, and it is what Jade C wants to be: take everything you want and want, fighting and never giving up. A message aimed at the young people of his generation, sacrosanct and necessary (in my modest opinion), because often these guys stop at the first difficulty, without the strength and energy necessary to concretize their aspirations, the famous “eye of the tiger” of I never get over Rocky Balboa.
And Jade C has a lot of tiger-eyed energy, already perfectly at ease with him in a genre that often mimics the American way of life of the subborghi. This is not the case, we are in front of an authentic artist, who has worked on the style until it became natural, and if it feels.
The beat ostinato and the audacious flow hypnotize the listener who finds himself singing Sirio Sirio even under the shower or in line on the fitting. Not to repeat but to emphasize still the fundamental concept: what is authentic arrives, and Sirius touches the right chord and if it prints in the brain
Significant is the contrast, in the video clip that accompanies the song, of the situation “teenage room” vs “stylish party”. Come to say … even you are locked in your little room, believe us, make everything real.
Giada is making everything real. What about you?
Present on all digital platforms and in our playlist.
Article by AlQuadro
