The comedic duo ‘Weed N’ Stiff’are back with a new full length album AND two new (ish?) Video Games for NES (that’s right, old school baby). In the times leading up to “Ron” they made two video games and we’d like to promo both the upcoming album and the games (available for download on There’s a lot to unpack, a whole “universe” of characters in the comedic saga, primarily a “beef” with a made up band named “Moo-Cow” fronted by Joe Bobson. Discover ‘Arcade City’ the 1st August in Formula Indie

The comedic duo ‘Weed N’ Stiff’are back with a new full length album AND two new (ish?) Video Games for NES (that’s right, old school baby). In the times leading up to “Ron” they made two video games and we’d like to promo both the upcoming album and the games (available for download on There’s a lot to unpack, a whole “universe” of characters in the comedic saga, primarily a “beef” with a made up band named “Moo-Cow” fronted by Joe Bobson. Discover ‘Arcade City’ the 1st August in Formula Indie