Produced by Monts, mixed by grammy winner Kiko Castro,mastered by grammy winner, Carlos Silva, ‘what do you want?’ is ‘Camila Andrew’s debut single of the new stage of a promising career in the global music industry, incorporating both spanish and english in an RnB melody. This single is meant for the audiences of Kehlani, Ariana Grande, and Justin Bieber. Discover that the 6th June in Formula Indie
Produced by Monts, mixed by grammy winner Kiko Castro,mastered by grammy winner, Carlos Silva, ‘what do you want?’ is ‘Camila Andrew’s debut single of the new stage of a promising career in the global music industry, incorporating both spanish and english in an RnB melody. This single is meant for the audiences of Kehlani, Ariana Grande, and Justin Bieber. Discover that the 6th June in Formula Indie