“Cure For Me” is a song about debilitating anxiety caused by hypochondria, paranoia and psychosomatic disorders that ultimately take a toll on my mind and body by ‘Brett Copeland’. Not to mention the determinants of reading or watching the news and constantly being glued to a computer or phone screen waiting for the end of the world….
The cover art of the tooth is actually a dentist’s photo of my own tooth that I fractured in half while grinding my teeth furiously in my sleep after two years of dreadful pandemic stress.
At some point we all experience this awful disconnect from ourselves and our higher power – and go to a very, very dark place. A place that, while in the midst of despair, seems hopeless and incurable.
“Cure For Me” was produced and performed by Brett Copeland and Philip Paulsen. It is Brett’s first official release that he has recorded bass guitar, electric guitar and vocals on.
The song was recorded remotely between Los Angeles and Joshua Tree CA.