Self-recorded and produced with Industry professional Matt Bentley, “Thorns In A Glass House” is a deeply evocative journey that simultaneously explores themes of both unrequited love and dealing with addiction, from the non-addicted perspective. This unique take is nurtured through a balance of delicate and fierce instrumentation, with wistful intentions. “Thorns In A Glass House” is a continuation of ‘KAYBLE’s alternative sound, a fusion of Art Rock and Hip Hop. Discover that the 15th March in Formula Indie
Self-recorded and produced with Industry professional Matt Bentley, “Thorns In A Glass House” is a deeply evocative journey that simultaneously explores themes of both unrequited love and dealing with addiction, from the non-addicted perspective. This unique take is nurtured through a balance of delicate and fierce instrumentation, with wistful intentions. “Thorns In A Glass House” is a continuation of ‘KAYBLE’s alternative sound, a fusion of Art Rock and Hip Hop. Discover that the 15th March in Formula Indie