This is a song about love, longing and loss. It was originally released as a single; this is the album version (which in many aspects is better). The song is produced by power pop-legend David Myhr (from The Merrymakers) who also provide wonderful backing vocals (in the style of Beach Boys), bass and cembalo. Discover ‘Someone Told Me That You Were Dead’ by ‘Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends’ the 4th February in Formula Indie
This is a song about love, longing and loss. It was originally released as a single; this is the album version (which in many aspects is better). The song is produced by power pop-legend David Myhr (from The Merrymakers) who also provide wonderful backing vocals (in the style of Beach Boys), bass and cembalo. Discover ‘Someone Told Me That You Were Dead’ by ‘Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends’ the 4th February in Formula Indie