The Sky Is Falling.. The new Hit Banger from Sarah Sunday!

Sarah Sunday has just come out with the well awaited arrival of Her 4th
and Most
Brilliant Single Apply Titled::     TSIF  – THE SKY IS FALLING –  This
latest release is fun filled Alt Pop with a tune that will stick in your
head the moment you listen to it. [2]

Formed from a chance meeting between Sarah Sunday and Her Producer Mbj.
Sarah Sunday has delivered a String of Poppy, Punky, EDM, Tracks
resulting in 3 # 1 Singles on Starfleet Music Record Pool, Multiple
on-line interviews and well received  rave reviews.   After the success
of Sarah Sundays previous 3  singles, Come and Find Me, Mental Zoo,
And, Ink, it was now time for Sarah and Producer Mbj to hit the Studio
and concentrate and  Create! After a Year of Social Distancing, THE SKY
IS FALLING was Born !

Guaranteed to be Sarah Sunday’s Best Single to date,  complete with
Sarah Sunday’s most catchy Vocal Hooks… giving Avril Lavigne and
Blondie POTENTIAL PROBLEMS!   With driving  Rhythms, synth, and guitars,
The Track Is A Banger!

Catch the Original Radio Mix along with the HYPER POP RMX! Mixed by Hip
Hop Artist  Kenny Orlando and Producer Mbj.
Follow her on social media …. Sarahsundaymusic on Instagram
Sarahsundaymus2 on twitter