Sublime Art + Majestic Voice = ‘Elly Kace’ with ‘Nothing feat. Jasmine Mendoza’ a rare piece of refined diamond from Brooklyn, NY

Sublime Art + Majestic Voice = ‘Elly Kace’ with ‘Nothing feat. Jas’ a rare piece of refined diamond from Brooklyn, NY

The debut in the Formula Indie show is setted up for the 28th October!

Enjoy the video made with the Dance artist Jasmine Mendoza below

Elly Kace’s musical life so far has been defined by ceaseless curiosity and passion. Already an
established and acclaimed opera singer, her winding and award winning career has found her
performing across the world. But with her latest solo album Nothing I see means anything, Kace
breaks free from the traditions of the disciplines she’s spent her life studying for something
boundary-pushing and danceable. It’s a pop album for the seekers inspired by Björk, Kate Bush,
and Lady Gaga. It finds catharsis in the journey and acceptance in not having all the answers, a
reflection of her equally fierce love for yoga. The songs on the album are as open and as full of
life as Kace.