Discover ‘My Name is DC’ an artist that self produces all within his own home and follows no formula when it comes to creativity. He make music that he feel is true to his nature whether it’s dance, pop rock, synth pop, or even a heart wrenching ballad, discover ‘Why Me?’ in Formula Indie the December 26th
Discover ‘My Name is DC’ an artist that self produces all within his own home and follows no formula when it comes to creativity. He make music that he feel is true to his nature whether it’s dance, pop rock, synth pop, or even a heart wrenching ballad, discover ‘Why Me?’ in Formula Indie the December 26th
DC says
My Name is DC, yes that’s my name, I like to keep it a statement, but you can call me DC for short. I’m an artist that self produces all within my own home and follows no formula when it comes to creativity. I make music that I feel is true to my nature whether it’s dance, pop rock, synth pop, or even a heart wrenching ballad. I make music to help myself and the listeners become introduced to new stories and ideas, it’s what makes me feel the most creatively powerful. I hope that don’t feel safe in their own life escape to one more inhabitable. My fan base goes by the name the “DC Crew” and I hope to expand my fellow crew.